Education for Obesity Medicine Fellows

Monthly Obesity Medicine Journal Club & Cases at Noon ET

Exclusively for Obesity Medicine Fellows! Please see below schedule for journal club and case presentations. 

Date Journal Club Presenters
(12:00-12:40 ET)
Case Presenter
(12:40-1:00 ET)
9/13/2024 Yuval Pinto (Johns Hopkins)
Nutritional considerations with antiobesity medications
Dylan Vainer (Utah)
Case: PCSK1 mutation & suspected Bardet-Biedl syndrome
10/11/2024 Andrea Stark (UT Houston)
Liraglutide for Children 6 to <12 Years of Age with Obesity — A Randomized Trial
Chanel Ligon (Weill Cornell)
Case: GLP-1 Agonist & Disordered Eating
12/13/2024 Arit Esu (Hartford Hospital)
Utilization of Anti‑obesity Medications After Bariatric Surgery: Analysis of a Large National Database
Anagha Nagaraj (Weill Cornell)
1/10/25 Jake Stuppy (Univ. Minnesota- Peds)
Syed Hassan (Geisinger)
Anam Fatima (Vanderbilt)
Case: Pramlintide
2/14/25 Mercedez Hernandez (UT Houston)
Sanjay Dronavalli (Metrohealth)
Lancet Commission: Definition and Diagnostic Criteria of Clinical Obesity
Katie Ruddiman (Wake Forest)
Case: Hypothalamic Obesity
3/14/25 Gil Hebert (Univ. Colorado)
Discrepancy Between Self Reported and Actual Caloric Intake and Exercise in Obesity Subjects AND Predictive equation derived from 6,497 doubly labelled water measurements enables the detection of erroneous self-reported energy intake
Bryn Falahee (Brigham & Women's)
Case: Protein Sparing Modified Fast pathway to Bariatric Surgery inpatient.
4/11/25 Amanda Piarulli (Boston Univ.)
Tabeer Rana (UPMC)
Camellia Kani (UCSF)
5/9/25 Flo Porterfield (Mass General)
Romeena Lee (Florida)
Danielle Marsh (UAB)
6/13/25 Hina Chaudhry (Atrium Health) Areeba Altaf (West Virginia Univ.)

Past Lectures

Date Journal Club Presenter
(12:00-12:45 ET)
Didactics Presenter
(12:45-1:30 ET)
11/10/2023 Sree Bodepudi (Mass General/Harvard)
Safety and Efficacy of Liraglutide, 3.0mg, Once Daily vs Placebo in Patients With Poor Weight Loss Following Metabolic Surgery
12/8/2023 Jodian Hemmings (Hartford Healthcare)
Weight regain after total meal replacement very low-calorie diet program with and with-out anti-obesity medications
Sree Bodepudi (Mass General Hospital)
Alexandra Giedd (Atrium Health)
Obesity and Women’s Health
1/12/24 Neetu Mulchandani (Cleveland Clinic)
Semaglutide and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Obesity without Diabetes
Priya Patel (Wake Forest University)
Alexandra Giedd (Atrium Health)
Pediatric Obesity
2/9/24 Afua Takyi (Weill Cornell)
Continued Treatment with Tirzepatide for Maintenance of Weight Reduction in Adults with Obesity: The SURMOUNT-4 Randomized Clinical Trial
Nivedita Agarwal (Boston Medical Center)
Post Bariatric Surgery Complications
3/8/24 Victoria Lu (University of Colorado)
Effect of Sleep Extension on Objectively Assessed Energy Intake Among Adults With Overweight in Real-life Settings
Nikola Gligorijevic (UPMC)
Obesity and Eating Disorders
4/12/24 Lisa Cherullo (University of Minnesota)
Smartphone camera based assessment of adiposity: a validation study
Nina Paddu (Vanderbilt University)
Sleep deprivation and obesity: What’s the connection?
5/10/24 Cynthia Akagbosu (Weill Cornell)
Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty for treatment of class 1 and 2 obesity (MERIT): a prospective, multicentre, randomised trial
Norma Atkinson (MetroHealth System)
Topic: MASLD/MASH and Obesity
6/14/24 Luis Nieto (West Virginia University)
Effects of Semaglutide on Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Jyotsna Ghosh (Johns Hopkins)
Obesity and Arthritis

Remote Education

Obesity Medicine Association

Obesity Medicine Association | OMA Academy |

The Obesity Society

Tri-State Obesity Society

Upcoming ROOTs (Review of Obesity Topics) Events:

Past Events:

Cleveland Clinic- Obesity LIVE

View past lectures and join the monthly broadcast:

ABOM Exam Preparation

Click here for ABOM's Exam Study Resources. Fellows receive a discount for the ABOM application.

Review Courses:

Obesity Medicine Association

Obesity Medicine Association | OMA Academy |

The Obesity Society

The Obesity Society | ObesityWeek On Demand |


The Blackburn Course in Obesity Medicine

CLICK HERE to learn about the course. 

Boston Course in Obesity Medicine

CLICK HERE to learn about the course. 

Columbia/Weill Cornell Obesity Course

CLICK HERE to learn about the course. 

Pennington Biomedical Research Center